An Indian based in Kerala won Rs.8,888 for the month of August for the monthly campaign. The campaign was launched during the mid-month of July 2022. Users had to purchase an eraser which costs Rs.25 and donate it. With every purchase, the user entered the draw to Win Rs.8,888, and on donating they received...
Celebal Technologies appoints Jayanta Banerjee as the Global Corporate Vice President
Celebal Technologieshas announced the appointment of Jayanta Banerjee who would be leading their Enterprise Alliances and Business Development Globally. Jayanta has been a seasoned professional and a leader in the field of global Sales, Alliances, and Business Development for 30+ years and has a deep understanding of the Microsoft Azure Cloud ecosystem. Jayanta brings rich leadership experience... creating an expectation for your donations
Have you dreamt of winning big by helping someone in need? Well, is your platform to shop, donate and win big. is an E-commerce platform which is the bridge between your wants and the needs of the underprivileged children in India. We are associated with two NGOs; Sr. Adorers Navajyothi in Mapusa, Goa,...
Equitas Small Finance Banks launches co-branded PPI program in partnership with Fintech infrastructure Neokred Technologies
Equitas Small Finance Bank has launched a co-branded prepaid card program in partnership with Neokred Technologies to facilitate PPI programs for the bank and partners in India. The card offerings can be personalized to suit the requirements of corporates seeking to launch their curated version of PPI instruments. Equitas Small Finance Bank, in partnership with...
This Independence Day Sale, Get The Freedom To Buy The Best Pet Care At Zigly Pet Store
For pet parents, their furballs mean everything! They want to fulfill every demand of their little bundles of joy. To ensure this goal, access to the right pet care products and services at the right time is necessary. Zigly stands strength to strength with pet owners. The premium pet care brand comes with a mission...
Gig-economy focused marketplace, VOIZ raises Rs ~15 crore ($ 2mn) in seed funding round
VOIZ will use these funds to strengthen technology and expand market presence across India. Bangalore-based start-up, VOIZ – a marketplace for gig work professionals has raised seed funding of Rs ~15 crores ($ 2 million) led by Omidyar Network India with participation from other investors. The company will use the funds to scale up its...
Harbinger Group Appoints Avinash Lele as Chief Growth Officer
Harbinger Group, a global technology provider of software products and services, today announced the appointment of Avinash Lele as its Chief Growth Officer. Avinash will be responsible for increasing sales through crafting successful sales strategies, directing, guiding, and managing sales teams, and optimizing the end-to-end leads-to-closure process. He will report to Dr. Vikas Joshi, Chairman...
Zimyo is taking the start-up ecosystem to the next level with its ‘Start-up Program.’
The unrivaled venture Zimyo – a leading HR-Tech service provider, launched its new initiative for young start-ups by offering a free HR and Payroll services suite. Gurugram: The Indian start-up Zimyo stays true to its promise of providing the highest quality employee experience platform as they launched their very own ‘Start-up Program.’ With the revolutionary...
“I Humbly Accept Awards As They Motivate Me To Work Harder” – Save Earth Activist Dr. Sandeep Choudhary
Apart from being a successful entrepreneur, Dr. Sandeep Choudhary has contributed greatly towards protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment we live in. His work as a social activist hasn’t gone unnoticed. He has been given several prestigious awards and titles from time to time. He was conferred with India’s Biggest Shaksheeyat Awards by...
Wealth Stand Lists Best Stock Market Channels on Telegram for Training Purposes
Nifty 50 & Stocks Tops Wealth Stand’s List of Best Stock Market Channels on Telegram for Training Purposes In the last couple of years, Telegram has emerged as one of the most reliable and convenient platforms for getting information on a variety of subjects. The cloud-based instant messaging service, in particular, has proved to be...